Namespace OpenServiceBroker.Errors
- ApiVersionNotSupportedException
The API version request by the client is not supported by server.
- AsyncRequiredException
This request requires client support for deferred (asynchronous) service operations.
- BadRequestException
The The request is malformed or missing mandatory data..
- BrokerException
The request to the Service Broker failed.
- ConcurrencyException
The Service Broker does not support concurrent requests that mutate the same resource.
- ConflictException
An instance with the same id already exists but with different attributes.
- Error
An error response object.
- GoneException
The specified resource does not exist (anymore).
- MaintenanceInfoConflictException
The Version field provided in the request does not match theVersion field provided in the Service Broker's Catalog.
- NotFoundException
The resource does not exist or a provisioning operation is still in progress.
- RequiresAppException
The request body is missing the AppGuid field.